Preserve Hilandar

Abbot Metodije at the Celebration in Podgorica


The Very Reverend Archimandrite Metodije visited Podgorica on the occasion of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral of Christ’s Resurrection.

His Eminence Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Mr. Joanikije, welcomed His Holiness the Patriarch of Serbia Mr. Porfirije, at the Podgorica airport, who presided over the celebration.

On Saturday, October 14th, at 6 p.m. in the Cathedral of Podgorica, a solemn reception was organized for His Holiness, the Patriarch of Serbia, Mr. Porfirije, and the relic of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous the Wonderworker. They were welcomed by tens of thousands of faithful.

On Sunday, October 15th, at 9 a.m., His Holiness, the Patriarch of Serbia, Mr. Porfirije presided over the holy liturgy, with the assistance of several archbishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as well as His Eminence Metropolitan of Corfu, Paxos, and the Diapontian Islands, Mr. Nektarios.

On the same day at 1 p.m., Patriarch Porfirije and Metropolitan Joanikije consecrated the foundation stone of the Church of Saint Sava and the foundations of the St. Sava Orthodox Gymnasium, whose construction began in the Stari Aerodrom neighborhood in Podgorica. At 7 p.m., Patriarch Porfirije visited the church of Saint George under Gorica, the oldest liturgical place in Podgorica, where, according to tradition, Saint Simeon the Myroblyte received the holy sacrament of baptism.

The solemn spiritual academy on the occasion of the ten years since the consecration of the Cathedral was held on Sunday, October 15th, at 8 p.m. on the plateau in front of the Cathedral. The sermon was delivered by Archimandrite Metodije, the Abbot of Hilandar Monastery.