Preserve Hilandar

St Sava Ball’s held in London under the auspice of the Holy Monastery of Hilandar


The Holy Monastery of Hilandar was once again patron of the traditional charitable St. Sava’s Ball in London, which was held on February 3rd, 2024.

The event was the work of the Petar II Petrović Njegoš Serbian Heritage Foundation, headed by Dr. Dejan Maraš. The funds raised will go mostly to children from Kosovo and Metohija.  

The gala was opened and blessed by the Very Reverend Metropolitan of Montenegro Joanikije, who came to London at the invitation of the foundation.  

Dr. Dejan Maraš conveyed to those present the blessings of the Most Reverend Archimandrite Methodius, Abbot of the Hilandar Monastery, and read his letter of greeting, including:  

“For all of us who do not live in our homeland, the lesson we received from our Saint is important. And that is that by keeping the “true faith” and doing good deeds, we should not be closed and self-sufficient, but open to other peoples as well. Saint Sava broke down the barriers between us and peoples of both the East and the West. Like the Apostle Paul, he really was everything to everyone, “so that by all possible means (he) might save some.” (1Cor 9, 22). That was the purpose of his constant travels. To build bridges between people.  

“Let’s keep the faith, do good deeds and build bridges both with our people in the homeland and in the Diaspora, as well as with those who are our hosts!”  

Visitors to the ball had the opportunity to see an exhibition of photographs of Hilandar by monk Milutin Hilandarac. These photographs, as well as silk scarves with a motif from a 17th-century Hilandar manuscript belonging to the “Hilandar Heritage” collection, were auctioned during the evening, for the noble cause for which the event is being held.  

During the evening, wines from the Hilandar Monastery were served.